ALFB is accepting class proposals for our
Fall 2024 Semester

Application Dates: March 14 –

To apply, you will need to have some information handy. Responses cannot be changed once submitted. Please make notes you can work from in advance of filling out the form.

You need the following:

  • Your name, email address you want us to use, phone number we will use to contact you
  • Class title – Name your class something that a complete beginner will understand. 
  • Class description – Make this a catchy intro and explanation of the contents of this class. Hook your potential students in 25 words or less. 
  • Class Objective – By the end of this class the student will be able to:
  • Materials – are these included in the price or the class or separate? If separate, how much are you charging?
  • Cost – What is the cost of your class remembering that 10% will taken at the point of sales? Cost of your class per student, cost of materials also. If you are charging materials, you must input both the class price and the materials price.
  • Students – are your students adults or minors? (Do you want the liability of working with minors?)
  • Location – Which classroom are you planning to use? Are you providing your own classroom?
  • Maximum number of students for this class – Conference Room max 6;  Escher max 12; Monet max 8; offsite is your decision (type numbers only, form will accept answers up to 12)
  • Start Date – date of the first session of your class
  • Weeks – how many weeks will your class run?
  • Day – What day of the week does it meet?
  • Time – Our suggested time frames are 9-noon, 1-4 and 6-9, this makes scheduling easy for us.
  • Multiple sessions – you can offer this class up 4 total time per semester. Fill this question and the next form page out if you plan to offer multiple sessions.

When you are done fill out the form here: