General Membership Meeting Minutes


General Membership Meeting - February 2024

March 26, 20244 min read

Art League of Fort Bend General Meeting Minutes February 26, 2024

1.     Call to Order Linda Pietz called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.


2.     Attendance – Anne Hallman-Perez was recognized in order to make a special announcement regarding two new ALFB Life Members. Kathy Golden and Don Golden achieved Life Member status by virtue of their 15 years of service and membership in the League. As required by ALFB Bylaws, the Goldens’ Life Membership was put to vote by League Membership and resoundingly approved. Linda Pietz went on to congratulate them both and thank them for their outstanding service to the League.

In addition, several new members were welcomed, as well as a visitor and potential new member.

3.     Approval of minutes from last month’s meeting was deferred.


4.     Financial Report was deferred.

5.     New Business

a.     Partnership Opportunity – Kathy Golden shared with League members news about a prison rehabilitation ministry program called Misfits Mission which operates nearby offering a 12-16 halfway house program for woman entering civilian life after incarceration. They had inquired if ALFB has a scholarship program for artists, as two of their current clients are artists. A couple of League members have offered to provide some teaching and Linda mentioned she would like to see us be able to provide scholarships consistent with our mission. Please let the education committee know if you are interested in sharing your expertise with this program.


b.     Smart Boards -- Linda Pietz reported that the first of our planned Smart Boards has arrived and will be used in the demo by Don Simmons scheduled for after today’s meeting. Teachers who want to use the Smart Board in their classes must first be trained on how to use them. Diane Whitmarsh has generously donated funds to acquire another Smart Board and we hope to acquire a third through other funding sources. The first one has been mounted in the Escher Room; the one Diane donated will remain mobile, and the third one, once acquired, will be mounted in another classroom.


6.     Unfinished Business



7.     Committee Reports

a.     Art Shows/Major Workshops Debbie Rodriguez

The Spring Show is scheduled for April 20, with registration March 21 – April 10. Registration is online only and there will be help available for those needing it, as one

must enter through both the ALFB and LSAG websites. Debbie Rodriguez indicated that volunteers will be needed for both the show and the Preview night.


There are still 5 spaces left in the Sandra Duran Wilson workshop which takes place Monday through Wednesday following the Spring Show.

b.     Classes/Education

Bobbie Davis reported the education committee is considering developing protocols for workshops, classes and demos. Details to come at a later date.

She also mentioned that the board had asked a local law enforcement representative to review the Gallery and Third St. locations for security issues.


c.     Community Displays/Development


d.     Events

Ellie Damiano provided members with an update on plans for Preview Night on April 19. She asked all members to wear a Got Art? T-shirt to the event and try to get 10 friends to attend. She explained how attendees would be encouraged to visit each studio and asked studio members to provide snacks and beverages for visitors. Volunteers and sponsors are needed to make the event a success. Artists are encouraged to donate a 12x12 painting for a silent auction fundraiser during the event. All members will receive an email with details about the event.

e.     Gallery/Third St.

Gladys Jones reported that Gallery Members Meetings will be held March 25 at 9 am, the month before change out.


Gift shop items cannot be placed directly into the gift shop, they must be submitted to Fereshteh first. Place them on the shelf at the back of the Third St. building with your full name (no initials, legible), title of work, medium and price.

Artists painting in the Third St. space must use odorless spirits.

f.      Gift Shop

Nothing to report in addition to the procedure for submitting items for sale.


g.     Membership/Website

Anne Hallman-Perez provided an update on the implementation of new member software. Heightened third party spam filtering protocols put in place by Gmail and Yahoo at the beginning of the month have been hampering our ability to notify members of expiring memberships.


h.     Publicity/Advertising/Marketing

Nina Struthers updated members regarding upcoming advertising activities for Preview Night (in Fort Bend Living Magazine and the City of Rosenberg’s e-mail blast) and for Summer Art Camp.


8.     Miscellaneous


9.     Next Monthly Meeting

March 25, 2024

10.  Adjournment

Don Golden moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:27. The motion was seconded and carried.

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2012 Avenue G, Rosenberg, TX 77471, USA


2012 Ave G.

Rosenberg, TX 77471

(832) 945-2882

Gift Shop

905 3rd St.

Rosenberg, TX 77471


Sunday: 12 PM – 5 PM

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday: 12 PM – 5 PM

Thursday: 12 PM – 5 PM

Friday: 12 PM – 5 PM

Saturday: 12 PM – 5 PM

Art League of Fort Bend

is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that was founded in 1957 and continues to celebrate a rich history of supporting the arts in the Fort Bend County community.

Our mission is to encourage artistic development and to cultivate an appreciation for the arts through education, exhibitions and community outreach.

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