January Newsletter

As we keep growing, more and more opportunities are available for you our members. Although you will have missed the Elizabeth St. Hillaire workshop, it’s not too late for two outstanding workshops coming up.
If you think about it, you don’t have to have paint to “paint” a picture. In Nola Heidbreder’s workshop you will learn everything from A to Z of traditional rug hooking and how you can use this medium to create your own pictures. Nola, a nationally known teacher, will provide everything you need to hook you first piece along with how to finish it.
Not everyone can work with oils when painting and Vie Dun Har is no exception.
Vie is also a nationally known teacher and she could no longer work with oils, but loved the look. She has famously worked out how to use acrylics to get the look of oils. This is a not to miss workshop for all that prefer working with acrylics.
Isn’t it exciting that nationally known teachers are reaching out to our art league to come and do workshops. Nonetheless, I don’t want you to forget our own wonderful teachers offering a variety of classes. Make sure to check out the range offered on our website. We need to support these talented members as they share their talents with you. Perhaps you might consider in the future offering a class.
Until next time.
Linda Pietz
Become A Member
February 13 - 15, 2025

Vie Dunn-Harr | Acrylic Expedition
February 25-26, 2025

October 21 - 23, 2025

Joan Fullerton | Paint Yourself Free
Sign Up
Why We Create Art:
Continuing our look at why we make art for the purpose of building community in the art league, we have one member who creates art for a spiritual purpose.
Portia Bell is a ceramics creator and watercolor painter. I create and shape media to express my spiritual vision. https://www.artistrybyportia.com/
Education Committee:
Educational Meeting: February 7, 1-3 pm in Conference room.
Demo Artist: Theresa Willson, will be demonstrating her watercolor method after the next general meeting on January 27, 11am -12pm.
About Theresa: One of the great joys in my life is being able to translate beauty in the world around me to images on paper and canvas. I enjoy portraying many subjects, still lifes, cityscapes, portraits, plants and animals. A recurring theme in my work involves horses, inspired by my own childhood mare and colt, the wild horses of the western United States, and the therapy horses with whom I am privileged to volunteer.
I have studied art at the Glassell School in Houston, the New Orleans Academy of Fine Art, the University of New Orleans, and the University of Central Missouri, and have enjoyed workshops with many painting masters. Website: https://www.theresawilsonwatercors.com

Valentine Shopping Event at the Art Center
Jewelry Show and Sale: Saturday, February, 01, 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM. At
Fort Bend Art Center, 2012 Avenue G, Rosenberg, TX 77471, USA
Discover art by local artists:
Fort Bend Art Gallery- 2012 Avenue G, Rosenberg, Texas 77471
Artisan Gift Shop - 905 3rd Street, Rosenberg, Texas 77471
Art everywhere in Fort Bend! Visit our Community Display pARTners:
Rosenberg Civic Center – 3825 TX-36, Rosenberg, TX 77471
Sugar Land Airport – 12888 S Texas 6 B, Sugar Land, TX 77498
George Memorial Library – 1001 Golfview Dr, Richmond, TX 77469
Attack Poverty - 1908 Avenue E, Rosenberg, TX 77471
13 Board Meeting - 1 - 3:00pm.
26, 27, 28 Gallery Change Out. (Date Change)
27 Gallery Meeting. 9:30-10 am.
27 General Meeting. 10-11 am.
Feb. 8 FBAL Open House - 3-5 pm. 2012 Avenue G, Rosenberg, Texas 77471 (Date change)
The Art League of Fort Bend welcomes you. ALFB was established in 1957 and is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, run by volunteers, whose mission is to encourage artistic development and to cultivate an appreciation for the arts through education, exhibitions and community outreach.